Tag Archives: crossfit

Who is “Stressed Stephanie?”

17 Feb

I’ve been staring at this screen for about 10 minutes trying to figure out how to start this post.  What do I even want to say?  Let’s start with the truth.  Fletch has been lost, for months.  Stephanie has been happy, but stressed.  Why have I been stressed?  Well, let’s see, take a minute, read the last post and return to reading this one – there’s no reason to write that mess over again.

What’s a day in the life of “Stressed Stephanie?”  My mind ping-ponging all over the place with the inability to focus.  The smallest task feels like I am moving a mountain.  Goals that feel out-of-reach and unobtainable.  The thought of laying in bed, all day, with the lights off seems relaxing – not depressing.  Being a loner, not laughing nor smiling.  Waiting until the last-minute to handle tasks.  Giving up.

For those who know me, and I mean really know me – am I really “Stressed Stephanie?”  When have you ever seen me and I don’t at least crack a smile or let out my weird laugh?  “Stressed Stephanie” got called into the principal’s office last week.  I received a “come to Jesus meeting” like no other.  Sure, I cried – but it was different.  At first, I didn’t feel like me.  I felt weak and almost dark, if that makes any sense.  The once full-of-life Fletch was non-existent.

During the “come to Jesus meeting,” a lot of my issues were actually spoken instead of hidden.  When you actually tell someone your thoughts and fears you become totally vulnerable.  I was getting to the point where I thought only a few people truly cared about me.  You see, on most days – I’m a dependable person.  What happens to dependable people?  At some point in their life, they are stepped on and taken advantage of.  I have been stepped on and taken advantage of in more ways than I can count.  I was feeling torn down, completely.  I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I was seeing – not just the physical appearance, but down to my soul.  The parts that made me – me – were missing.

My goals, gone.  My loving personality, gone.  My compassion, gone.  My understanding of others, gone.  What did I become?  Bitter.  I was bitter toward others and was somehow blaming them for my mistakes.  I wasn’t dealing with my mistakes or owning up to them.  After being asked a series of questions at my “come to Jesus meeting,” there was no escaping the truth.  It was time for me to put my big girl panties on and deal with my mistakes.

I am still struggling to keep the negative thoughts out of my mind.  I can still think of things and feel an urge of panic, but right now – I am able to calm myself down.

Currently, I’m training with Josh away from the box.  My strength hasn’t totally recovered, but I can feel ole Fletch more and more each day.

So what’s next?  I found out tonight – a half marathon in 5 months.

Life and Stress of a Struggling CrossFitter

7 Oct

It has been months since I’ve updated this blog and I’m still unsure if I’ll be able to keep it updated as often as before…


My life has changed so much this year.  In February, my life took a totally different direction.  My marriage of almost 8 years ended.  The biggest adjustment has been going about life only seeing my son every other week.  Going from seeing him every single day to seeing him for 7 days at a time and then not seeing him for 7 days has been tough.  I have cried and cried and cried and missed him so much, but having a child does not save a marriage.  Even though it has been tough, for me, it was the best decision.


So this is my life now.  I’m a single mother.  I work full-time.  I am 5 classes away from finally having my undergraduate degree in Marketing.  I manage the accounts at River Region CrossFit.  I feel guilty when I don’t spend every minute possible with my son.  I also feel guilty when I pick my son up from daycare, take him to the box and WOD while someone else is taking care of him.  It is hard for me to totally dedicate my mind to WODing when I feel like I should be with my son.  It’s tough.


Through the stress, I have tried to just get through each day.  My goals for my journey have not been lost and they are still there, but right now – I’m just trying to overcome the stress.  So much happens to your soul when you go through a divorce and all I need is support from friends and family.  I don’t need lectures or to be told what I am doing is wrong, I just need a shoulder to lean on when things get tough.  I need a listening ear when I have a bad day.  I need someone to tell me I am a great mother when I miss my son.


I haven’t given up on my fitness.  I haven’t given up on CrossFit.  I haven’t given up on myself.  All that being said, I do have bad days.  I have days of anxiety.  I have days of depression.  It is there and I cannot escape it, but I also have many days of happiness.  I do have someone in my life other than my son who contributes to making me feel good about myself.  Our meeting was unexpected, but I do not regret it.  The timing wasn’t the best, but again I wouldn’t change it….


Just a few days ago I was talking to my coach and friend, Josh, about my life.  I have confided in him along the way.  He doesn’t let me give up on myself and helps me remember to “keep things Fletch.”  I beat myself up all the time because when I am able to WOD – I’m still scaling all my WODs.  In December, it will be two years since I started the CrossFit lifestyle and I should be RXing all my WODs.  Josh reminds me that my life since February has been turned upside down and I’ll get back to where I was…it will just take time.


For now, I cannot make new goals.  I cannot say, “this is what I’ll do next.”  At this point, I can only deal with the current and present moments in my life and take it day by day, and remember each day is a new day.

Can you say sore!?!?!

26 Mar

Remember back in January when I posted about the Ravage?  Well, we are deep in the Ravage with just a few weeks until the end and our box is straight up Beastmode.  It is almost ridiculous.  Our coach, Josh, stopped posting the WOD‘s on RRCF’s website – with good reason.  He didn’t want to give anyone an excuse to skip the WOD based on intensity, etc.  And well, the WOD’s have been intense – but I enjoy it.  It’s progress.  Everyone is working so hard and it seems like it’s bringing our RRCF family closer together…

…and because of our “working so hard,” our bodies are so sore!  We have three back-to-back WOD’s this week due to the box closing down for spring cleaning Thursday – Sunday, and man – I may need some Epsom Salt – STAT!  Our WOD on Monday was:



Toes to Bar

…2 minute rest…

3 rounds of 10 hang cleans and 30 sit ups


I completed the 21-15-9 with 135 pound deadlifts.  I still can’t get a toes to bar, but I give it all I got!  The hang cleans were only at 75 pounds, but after those deadlifts – it felt much heavier!

Tonight’s WOD was 13.3!!!  Ahhhhhh!  Wall Balls are not my thing.  I was able to get 139 wall balls out of the 150 with a 10 pound ball.  Not the best, but I’ll take it.  After all, that’s an improvement!

Keep WODing, y’all.

Still here and still WODing.

20 Mar

Well…what can I say?  It has been a long time since I last posted on “i chalk it.”  My apologies to my followers.  I have had to deal with some personal issues and I still am unsure of how often this blog will be kept up-to-date.


All that aside, I do have great news.  I finally hit 40 pounds lost and slid into a size 10!  We started the Ravage at RRCF and I am so proud of all the Ravagers!  We are all working so hard to “activate, intensify and destroy!”  Remember a few months ago, when I had a major breakdown because of handstand pushups?  You’ll never guess who finally got their own handstand hold?!?!?!  What? What?  Yup, that would be Fletch.  And just in case you do not believe me, check out the picture below.  In addition, I am finally able to do 2 double unders in a row, but can actually link them together with a single back into a double!  Oh oh oh, and I got my 1 mile to 10:10, but since then ran 1/2 mile and decreased my time to 4:49!  Major improvement.  And, I PR’d on my power clean this week – up to 105!!



I am finally feeling like I am accomplishing goals in the box…I have even been able to WOD RX instead of scaled.  It is still surreal that CrossFit stuck when most everything else didn’t…it feels good to work hard for something and actually see results.


That’s all for now.  Keep on keeping on!

Did you drink the kool-aid?

17 Jan

Just about right, huh?

CrossFit Problems!


CF Cult


15 Jan

Hahaha! CrossFit Problems!!!


PR, PR, PR!!!!!!!

15 Jan

We’re a few days in the Ravage and it is awesome!!!!  RRCF already feels like family, but now we’re coming even closer through motivation, inspiration and just supporting each other.  Tonight was one of those nights I’ll always remember.  Our WOD tonight was CrossFit Total.  We maxed out on back squats, press (no push!), and deadlifts.  We worked up to find our max, but could only attempt our max three times.  Once you maxed out on each movement, you totaled all three movements – which equals your CrossFit Total.  There were some amazing totals tonight!!!  Everyone is working so hard and giving it over 100% and it feels amazing to be a part of it!


I hit some PR’s tonight!  Eeeek!!!  I hit 170 pounds on the back squat, 65 pounds on strict press and 205 pounds on the deadlift.  It feels good to be eating right and hitting it hard at RRCF!


Now to the next few months of the Ravage and beyond!

You’re the reason I get up…

14 Jan

True or False?!?!?!

CrossFit Problems!!


Reason to get up

30 Day Cleanse, Shake Day No. 1.

14 Jan

I started my 30 day cleanse today with a shake day.  For the most part, it wasn’t bad.  I had brief moments of hunger, but again – it wasn’t terrible.  I had two meal replacement shakes today: one for breakfast and one for lunch, and a 400-600 calorie meal for dinner.  I savored every single bite of my dinner!


The Ravage continues with the WOD, “Cindy.”  You know, Cindy can really be a biatch!  I was able to get 11 full rounds, 5 pull ups and 10 push ups (using bands on the pull ups, of course).  I’m wondering what the Ravage has in store for us tomorrow…

Fletch’s Stuffed Bell Peppers, Paleo Style!

13 Jan

Man, it feels good to be in 2013.  New year and a fresh start on my eating habits.  From earlier posts, you know the Ravage kickoff was yesterday (Saturday, Jan. 12).  I also start my 30 day cleanse tomorrow!  I’m nervous, excited and anxious about the cleanse.  I keep telling myself it’s only 30 days, but then again IT IS 30 DAYS!!!!  To kickoff my own “Ravage” and 90 days of Paleo, I cooked my own version of stuffed bell peppers.  They turned out pretty tasty and thought I’d share with y’all!


Fletch’s Stuffed Bell Peppers, Paleo Style!


Fletch's Stuffed Bell Peppers











5 tomatoes, chopped

4 large bell peppers

1 – 1.5 pounds ground turkey

Seasonings:  basil, minced garlic, oregano, pepper and salt.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

I made my own tomato sauce, here’s what I did (I can only tell you because I didn’t measure a darn thing)!

Add the chopped tomatoes to a food chopper to puree.  Once “pureed”, add to a medium size pot.  Season with oregano, basil, minced garlic, pepper, a little salt.  Cook over medium heat until the sauce turns a dark red color.

Be sure to have the sauce cooking before preparing the bell peppers and turkey.

While the sauce is cooking, brown the ground turkey.  Season the turkey with basil and pepper.  Once the turkey is done, you can add the sauce.  Cook the turkey and sauce on low-medium heat until you’re satisfied.  🙂

To prepare the bell peppers (prepare them while the ground turkey is cooking), cut the stem/top out.  Pull as many seeds and membrane out of the peppers.  Rinse the peppers until all the seeds are removed.  Cut each pepper in half and remove more membrane, if needed.  In a stock pot, add about 2 inches of water.  Add halved bell peppers and steam over high heat until peppers are tender, but not softened.  Remove bell peppers and place on pizza pan or cookie sheet.

Stuff bell peppers with meat and sauce mixture.  Cook in oven for about 15-20 minutes.
