Tag Archives: Kettle Bell

Sleds are for Gravel?

24 Jul

Good grief.  Monday’s WOD was insane!  I had two great partners and we gave it our all!

July 23, 2012

20 HSPU “Buy-in”

Team WOD

Complete As Many Reps of each movement…

30 Minute AMRAP!

Sled Pulls

KB Swings

Box Jumps

Here’s our system:  1 teammate started with the sled pulls and while she was “pulling,” one teammate was “box jumping” and other was “kettle belling.”  We continued our system that way no teammate was completing the sled pulls and then going directly to the box jumps.  We thought it worked well.

By the end, our team completed the following reps:  13 sled pulls, 165 kb swings and 154 box jumps.  We were beat!  Oh and the sled pulls were done in our parking lot, which is gravel.


13 Jul

Last night’s WOD was prefaced with a 20 minute skill session: Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU) and Double Unders. Let me just tell you that I’m afraid of HSPU’s and it isn’t because of the difficulty, but because I’m upside down. When I was a kid, I felt no fear except for haunted houses and rollercoasters. I rode bikes with no hands, tried rollerblading down a small hill (my best friend, Emily, had to slow me down because I was headed for a crash), riding a skateboard down hills (of course, while sitting on the skateboard), but now that I am older I can process and UNDERSTAND what happens when you fall on your head, etc.

Once again, my mind is controlling my confidence and ability…

Josh understood my panic and set me up with my own safety harness, which consisted of two of the green bands connected to the pull up bar. He demonstrated for me, but that still didn’t soothe my fear. I tried it, with Josh’s assistance, and got the initial “freaking out” behind me, but I was still scared. I attempted to “donkey kick” up without my harness and failed, but Josh assisted me once more to an actual handstand. I was able to hold it in that position, but not for long. I am unsure of what it will take to soothe my fear with HSPUs, but I’m going to try.


The WOD was killer, again. Surprised? Well, you shouldn’t be.


July 12, 2012

Every minute…on the minute…for 12 minutes…

5 Kettle Bell Power Swings (I used a 44 pound Kettle Bell)

5 Power Push Ups

10 Lunge Jumps (I ended up doing 8 squats)


Even the “smallest” of WODs will surprise you! I believe our entire 6:30 class (all women) were grunting to power that Kettle Bell.

Whatever it takes, right??