Tag Archives: WOD

Olympics and CrossFit.

30 Jul

I am super-duper, over the top, excited about the 2012 Olympics.  I have always enjoyed watching the Olympics.  During summer, my usual favorites are gymnastics, diving and swimming.  This year, I have added weightlifting to the list.

I downloaded the most awesome app today.  It allows me to view live feed of any sports category.  Obviously, I watched the weightlifting category today.  Amazing stuff.  The neatest part was watching Olympians doing the same stuff we do at RRCF.  Not only the clean and jerk, but also the “check list” as Josh and Wes call it.  For each lift, we have a check list:  check your feet, hand and head placement, squat position, etc.  I never doubted Josh or Wes, but it is so awesome to see it done by Olympians!

So, I have been watching weight lifting off and on today.  I arrive at the box and can’t help but feel giddy.  I am participating in a sport that is world-wide.  The stuff I do in Millbrook, Alabama, is being done by people in China and Kazakhstan.  Exciting stuff!

The WOD tonight was hard, but I felt strong.  There was a 30 minute cap and I completed it under the cap.  Deadlift weight:  95 pounds.

July 30, 2012

Warm up

200m Run

20 Squats

20 Kettle Bell Swings

20 Ham Swings

10 Hip Swings

10 Back Rolls

Hip Floss



Complete for time!

400m Run

30 Deadlifts

400m Run

25 Deadlifts

400m Run

20 Deadlifts

400m Run

15 Deadlifts


With help from Josh pushing me and others cheering, I completed the last 15 without stopping.  I must admit, it felt pretty darn good!

I just took a look at tomorrow’s WOD…umm…yeah, I shouldn’t have looked.  Wowza!


Girls of CrossFit.

25 Jul

Soooo this hilarious video is making the rounds on Facebook. Take a few minutes and watch.



Yup, I’ve heard and said quite a few since starting my journey at RRCF.

I need more chalk.

Anybody have a hair band?

Wait, guys, I gotta pee!

Is the WOD up?

When’s the WOD gonna be up?

Is this Paleo?

What?!?! It’s my cheat meal!

Guys, I think I’m gonna puke! Ok, I’m fine!

Oh and I’m so glad Josh and Wes have spent EXTRA time teaching us out to “exit” the band properly.

I hope y’all enjoy! I know I did. 🙂

Sleds are for Gravel?

24 Jul

Good grief.  Monday’s WOD was insane!  I had two great partners and we gave it our all!

July 23, 2012

20 HSPU “Buy-in”

Team WOD

Complete As Many Reps of each movement…

30 Minute AMRAP!

Sled Pulls

KB Swings

Box Jumps

Here’s our system:  1 teammate started with the sled pulls and while she was “pulling,” one teammate was “box jumping” and other was “kettle belling.”  We continued our system that way no teammate was completing the sled pulls and then going directly to the box jumps.  We thought it worked well.

By the end, our team completed the following reps:  13 sled pulls, 165 kb swings and 154 box jumps.  We were beat!  Oh and the sled pulls were done in our parking lot, which is gravel.


13 Jul

Last night’s WOD was prefaced with a 20 minute skill session: Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU) and Double Unders. Let me just tell you that I’m afraid of HSPU’s and it isn’t because of the difficulty, but because I’m upside down. When I was a kid, I felt no fear except for haunted houses and rollercoasters. I rode bikes with no hands, tried rollerblading down a small hill (my best friend, Emily, had to slow me down because I was headed for a crash), riding a skateboard down hills (of course, while sitting on the skateboard), but now that I am older I can process and UNDERSTAND what happens when you fall on your head, etc.

Once again, my mind is controlling my confidence and ability…

Josh understood my panic and set me up with my own safety harness, which consisted of two of the green bands connected to the pull up bar. He demonstrated for me, but that still didn’t soothe my fear. I tried it, with Josh’s assistance, and got the initial “freaking out” behind me, but I was still scared. I attempted to “donkey kick” up without my harness and failed, but Josh assisted me once more to an actual handstand. I was able to hold it in that position, but not for long. I am unsure of what it will take to soothe my fear with HSPUs, but I’m going to try.


The WOD was killer, again. Surprised? Well, you shouldn’t be.


July 12, 2012

Every minute…on the minute…for 12 minutes…

5 Kettle Bell Power Swings (I used a 44 pound Kettle Bell)

5 Power Push Ups

10 Lunge Jumps (I ended up doing 8 squats)


Even the “smallest” of WODs will surprise you! I believe our entire 6:30 class (all women) were grunting to power that Kettle Bell.

Whatever it takes, right??

Feeling Good.

10 Jul

I am sure it is no surprise that tonight’s WOD was horrible.  Aren’t they always horrible?  But like a drug addict, I keep going back.  I’m glad that I’m actually addicted to something that isn’t killing my body.  CrossFit is reshaping my body, mind and soul and for that I am thankful.  Well, let’s get back to the WOD.

July 10, 2012






5 rounds of…

3 Deadlifts

3 Power Cleans


100 Situps

Wowza, right??  There’s a 10 minute cap on “Fran.”  I did my best, but couldn’t complete it under the 10 minute cap.  That’s ok, though.  I refuse to let it get me down because I did accomplish something I consider to be a big deal.  Remember the competition a few weeks ago, Embrace the Gauntlet?  Well, prior to and during the Gauntlet – I was unable to power clean 75 pounds.  This chick power cleaned 75 pounds tonight!  Funny thing is – I felt like I could do more.  Yup, excited.

I was also able to do the 100 sit ups without a problem.  I rested here and there, but I remember when it was tough just to do 40.  Improvements people, improvements!  Oh and Steph (my WOD partner) has started something.  You see, she was flexing her muscles at the box the other day.  Now…I’m flexing my muscles.  I had D feel my arm muscles while driving down the road and that “flapping in the wind” crap is about gone.  What?!?!?!  What?!?!?!

It feels good to be confident again.  Don’t misunderstand me though – I will always be anxious prior to a WOD and hating during it, but afterwards – it’s nothing but love!

The Un-Godly WOD.

9 Jul

Good gracious.  Tonight’s WOD was intense, horrible and ridiculous.  See below for yourself:


July 9, 2012

Max L-Sit Hold “Buy In”


3 Rounds for Time!

800 meter Run

20 Pistols

30 Burpess


You see?  It was absolutely crazy!  I completed the WOD scaled to a 400 meter run each round and completed the 30 burpees the first round (15 for the second and third) with the 20 pistols each round.  Tonight was the first time in a long time that I actually felt like I was unable to complete it.  It wasn’t the run or the pistols – it was the burpees!  HORRIBLE!

Major breakthrough:  I WOD’d in shorts tonight.  Yes, shorts!  Never in a million years did I think I would wear shorts to the box.  I even wore them to Publix after working out.  Yup, sho nuff did!


Holiday in the Middle of the Week Kind of Post…

6 Jul

Well, it’s been a few days since my last post.  My apologies!  I suppose I should get you up to speed on what’s been going on this week.

I posted my before and after picture, which received a lot of feedback – thank y’all so much, but I also received a comment from Transformation Pics.  They are going to feature my “CrossFit story” and results on their blog.  I am super excited about it.  With the help of Shelby Dix (photographer) and Coach Wesley Hodges (director), some photos were made of my “work” in the box.  Be sure to follow Transformation Pics and look for my story.

Box Jumps


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Tuesday’s WOD was pretty tough considering it was raining cats and dogs!  We ran 400 meters in the rain, Tabata Box Jumps (1/2=4 rounds) and Max Effort Pull Ups all for 4 rounds.  Surprisingly, the rain felt good while running.

Of course we know Wednesday was the Fouth of July.  We had a great holiday with family and lots of good BBQ.

On Thursday, I just about fainted when I took a peek at the WOD on RRCF’s website.  Several thoughts ran through my mind:  I should skip, I’m going to die, What was Josh thinking??, Are you serious?, OMJesus!!

Thursday, July 5 WOD

40 Wall Ball Buy In


21 Ring Dips

50 Double Unders

15 Ring Dips

50 Double Unders

9 Ring Dips

50 Double Unders


21 CTF Pushups

1 Minute Plank Hold

15 CTF Pushups

1 Minute Plank Hold

9 CTF Pushups

1 Minute Plank Hold


40 Med Ball Clean Cash Out

Can you now understand my paranoia??  I made it through just under 35 minutes.

So now we come to today, Friday.  I decided to wear what I thought was the cutest dress, but little did I know that it actually reminds people of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and considering it is July and not October – I didn’t actually take it as a compliment.  So, here it is, my “Wizard of Oz” dress bought at Old Navy.  Boo!

Fletch is Back – Alright!

3 Jul

Yes I did just sing, “Fletch is Back – Alright” to the tune of Backstreet Boys.  And I bet you just did too.  Don’t even pretend you haven’t heard the song and if you seriously do not remember, click here to watch the video.  Be sure to throw them hands up in the airrrr and wave ’em around like you just don’t care…ok, I’ll stop now.

Whew, Fletch IS back.

If you refer to previous posts, you’ll notice the brief hiccup I encountered a week ago.  And I definitely wasn’t feeling last Thursday’s WOD either.  I just felt so tired and weak.  Thank God, I felt good today!  I felt strong and motivated.  Tonight’s workout was a partner WOD and I had a super partner tonight.  No surprise her name is Stephanie, too.  In the box, I’m “Fletch” and she’s “Steph” – nicknames dubbed by Josh.

Let’s all remember it isn’t the quantity – it’s the quality.  Ahem, I hope you’re reading Steph.  And let’s all remember to not compare ourselves to others – compare you to you.  I know this is super hard.  Believe me, I’m no expert – shall I reference my earlier posts, again?!?!  Truth is, speaking it helps me stick to it.  It becomes a reminder for me.  My sister-in-law reminded me of this on Saturday and she’s right – I need to compare me to me.  Try logging your progress so you can actually witness your accomplishments!

And if you aren’t sick of CrossFit by now, I’m going to talk about it some more.  Ha!  {I’m totally sticking my tongue out right now.}  I mean, after all this is a blog about a couch potato turned CrossFitter.  🙂  Anyway, back to the blog…this is obviously going to be a shout out…but I love my 6:30 class.  I can’t imagine working out at a different time.  We all push one another, cheer each other on – heck, we even cry together.  If you see someone struggling, cheer them on.  Tell them they CAN do it.

Ok, that’s enough.  I’m signing off now.  I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Holy Toledo…

28 Jun

…this is gonna KILL me.



Thank you, Josh Carter.

Back at it…

27 Jun

My usual week at RRCF is complete with three WODs a week – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Since I participated in the Gauntlet on Saturday, tomorrow is my first WOD of the week.  Earlier in the week I thought about taking this entire week off and starting fresh next week, but I am missing it so bad.  I am ready to get back to the box with the 6:30 PM crew and do some work.

I miss seeing the girls, losing myself during the WODs, the loud music and of course my coaches.

Time to accomplish some more goals.